Minggu, 30 Juni 2013
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
500 gram bandeng tanpa duri
50 gram tepung tapioka
2 butir telur ayam
½ sendok teh baking powder
3 sendok makan tepung bumbu pedas
400 ml minyak goreng untuk menggoreng sambal Bangkok untuk cocolan
1. Potong ikan bandeng selebar 5cm, sisihkan.
2. Campur tapioka, telur, dan baking powder, aduk perlahan hingga rata.
3. Celupkan bandeng dalam campuran tepung tapioka, angkat lalu gulingkan dalam
tepung bumbu pedas.
4. Goreng dalam minyak panas di atas api sedang hingga kuning kecoklatan dan
matang, angkat dan tiriskan.
5. Sajikan dengan sambal bangkok.TIPS:
- Jangan gunakan air sebagai bahan pelarut tepung kanji karena bisa menyebabkan
tepung tidak renyah.
- Bila Anda tidak menyukai rasa pedas, pakai saja tepung bumbu dengan rasa
- Masak bandeng krispi dengan minyak panas dengan api sedang hingga matang.
- Untuk penyuka rasa gurih dan renyah pada makanan, potong saja bandeng ukuran
yang lebih kecil.BANDENG KRISPI originally posted by: Hobi Masak
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Khaki Shorts from H&M
Below is a photo of the new khaki shorts I purchased on sale at H&M for $15 +
tax. Perfectly good shorts, very good price. However because it is on SALE the
company H&M has a strict no returns and no exchanges policy on sale items -
which means...
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Best regards,
[Info Resep] Resep Sambal Goreng Tiga Rupa
TIPS: Setelah membaca bahan dan caranya Anda bisa menandai setiap bahan dan
bumbu untuk memudahkan Anda membuat daftar belanjaan atau mengecek apakah semua
bahan sudah tersedia di dapur Anda! langsung saja yuukkk siapkan bahan-bahannya;
berikut : B...
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Info Resep
[Info Resep] Resep Minuman Es Selasih Kelapa Hijau
Resep Minuman Es Selasih Kelapa Hijau - Selasih termasuk tanaman obat yang
mempunyai berbagai khasiat. Diantaranya untuk mengatasi mual, disentri dan
menurunkan panas. Bila dipadukan dengan kelapa, terciptalah minuman segar yang
kaya manfaat.
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Masakan Martabak Tahu
Sudah mencoba Resep Kue Bugis atau Masakan Daging Dendeng Ragi? Nah, kali ini
kami ingin menyajikan Resep Masakan Martabak Tahu yang sudah kami siapkan list
bahan-bahan resepnya untuk anda coba dan praktekkan dirumah.
Kami yakin keluarga pasti mak...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
Bahan :
½ kg cumi buang kulit arinya lalu iris bulat
3 buah cabai merah iris serong
1 buah bawang Bombay iris kasar
1 sachet saus teriyaki
Bumbu halus :
2 butir bawang putih
¼ sdt jahe halus
¼ sdt merica bubuk
Cara membuat :
Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum lalu masukan bombay
,cabai, cumi, dan saus teriyaki masak
sampai matang.
Angkat dan sajikan.
Bagi yang ingin mengikuti update resep, feed saja bog ini
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Sideshow Star Wars Boba Fett White Prototype Armor Figure Revealed!
Figure Revealed!'
Theres been a lot of lot of griping from Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars
collectibles this year. The basis for their complaints? The fact that Sideshow
has seemingly given up on giving us new and unique characters in the Sideshow
Star Wars 1/6 scale figure line, and is instead now content to just give us an
endless parade of clones, repaints, clones, new versions of old characters and
more clones. Today, Sideshow Collectibles revealed their next Star Wars sixth
-scale figureand, well its not a new character, but it sure is cool! Its the
Sideshow Collectibles White Boba Fett Prototype Armor figure!
When Boba Fett first debuted to the world, it was in an old black and white
video interview with the legendary Ben Burtt. This, along with the Ralph
McQuarrie concept artwork, has led to white Boba Fett being somewhat of a cult
favorite version of the character. Weve had numerous McQuarrie Boba Fett and
white Boba Fett Prototype armor figures and sculptures over the years, including
several Hasbro releases and even a SDCC McQuarrie Boba Fett mini bust exclusive.
Clearly theres a demand for white Boba Fett merch, so why not cash in, right?
Considering how much moaning theres been by fans this year about the non-stop
rehashes in the Sideshow Star Wars 12 figures line, I imagine that this Boba
Fett in white armor figure is going to garner a little bit of hatred. And
indeed, from the teaser photo, it looks like the figure will be a complete
repaint of the earlier Sideshow Boba Fett 1/6 scale figure.
That said, Im going to be optimistic about this new Sideshow Collectibles Boba
Fett. Weve literally only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as the sixth-scale
Boba Fett Prototype Armor figure goesa single, solitary teaser photo. We could
see an extra McQuarrie Boba Fett helmet head included, some prototype specific
weapons or features Boba Fett didnt have in the movie, or even a Staf Wars beach
towel cape (disclaimer: not terribly likely)! If nothing else, well get a cool
white Boba Fett never done in this scale before, which is enough to win my
moderate approval.
Sideshow Collectibles has not yet released any concrete information pertaining
to the 12 Boba Fett White Prototype Armor figures release date or price. You can
check out the original reveal article of the Boba Fett Prototype Armor
sixth-scale figure on the official Sideshow Collectibles website
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TOY REVIEW: Star Wars Clone Wars R7-A7 Astromech Droid
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Best regards,
[Info Resep] SHRIMP BALL
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN :
100 g udang kupas
1/4 sdt soda kue
300 g daging ayam cincang
50 g lemak ayam potong kecil
1 buah wortel parut halus, peras
50 g water chestnut potong kecil
1 batang daun bawang
1 sdm ...
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Info Resep
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN:
2 L air kaldu ayam
1 sdt garam
1 sdm kecap asin/kikkoman
1 sdm angciu/sake
1 sdt chicken broth (rasa ayam)
1 siung bawang putih, cincang
1 sdt minyak wijen
2 sdm bawang daun, iris tipi...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Jumat, 28 Juni 2013
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
- 700 gram tepung terigu
- 1 sendok teh garam
- 15 gram ragi instan
- 1 sendok makan gula pasir
- 250 cc air hangat
- 25 gram mentega, kocok hingga lembut
1. Campur bahan kering, aduk rata.
2. Tuang air hangat sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung terigu hingga
tercampur rata.
3. Masukkan mentega, uleni hingga adonan kalis.
4. Bulatkan adonan, diamkan selama 50 menit hingga mengembang (pengembangan I)
5. Setelah proses pengembangan I selesai, kempiskan adonan, lalu bagi menjadi 2
6. Masing-masing dibulatkan dan diamkan selama 30 menit sampai adonan mengembang
kempiskan lagi adonan, masing-masing bentuk bulat panjang.
7. Letakkan di atas loyang yang sudah dibasahi air. Gunakan pisau tajam untuk
menggurat-gurat permukaan adonan, olesi permukaannya dengan air garam. Diamkan
lagi 40 menit.
8. Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan dengan api sedang hingga
permukaannya berwarna kuning kecoklatan atau selama 45 menit.FRENCH BREAD
originally posted by: Hobi Masak
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info Resep] Resep Bihun Goreng Telur Puyuh Bumbu Kari Spesial
Berikut ini admin akan Share atau berbagi resep dengan anda, resep ini adalah
resep yang berbahan dasar Bihun dan juga telur puyuh, yaituResep Bihun Goreng
Telur Puyuh Bumbu Kari Spesial, Resep ini memang sudah sangat terkenal
dikalangan mas...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Something totally different: Steam Factory 1/6 scale Knight Captain Locke 12" Steampunk figure
Knight Captain Locke 12" Steampunk figure'
There's a very very long backstory that comes with this figure's preview but I
wouldn't even bother going into it. You could publish a novel based on it alone
;p I've always been a visual guy so the visuals either speak to me or they
don't. This is def...
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[Info Resep] Beras
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]Makanan pokok masyarakat
Indonesia ini berasal dari padi yang bulirnya telah dipisah dari sekam. Gabah
bisa digiling agar kulitnya terpisah dari isinya. Isi gabah inilah yang
selanjutnya disebut be...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Kamis, 27 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Bihun
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]Bihun merupakan salah
satu jenis makanan dari daerah Tiogkok yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan mie. Hanya
saja lebih tipis dan warnanya putih pucat. Seperti namanya, bihun terbuat dari
tepung beras. B...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info Resep] Resep Cara Membuat Sate Padang Asli
Resep Cara Membuat Sate Padang Asli -Resep Sate Padang Asli ini merupakan sebuah
resep Yang menjadi banyak sekali Permintaan untuk mengupdateResep Sate Padang
Asli ini yang Sudah barang tentu nantinya Akan langsung di Peraktekan Oleh
Teman-teman blog Menu Makan Malam ini, Oleh karena itu saya pada Kesempatan kali
ini mencoba berbagi untuk anda, Adapun Makanan ini menjadi Salah satu Makanan
yang Sering kita jumpai di Berbagi daerah yang ada di tempat tinggal kita
masing-masing, yang mana Pada Sore dan malam harilah kita dapat dengan mudah
untuk menjumpai Sate Padang, yang mana biasanya dapat dengan mudah kita temui di
Pinggir-pinggir Jalan, mereka Menjual dagangan dengan Gerobak Dorongnya, Nah
untuk anda Yang mempunyai waktu luang, sudah barang tentu anda penasaran dengan
Masakan yang satu ini, Jika anda Penasaran ingin mencoba sendiri membuat Sate
Padang Asli ini, Mari Kita baca artikelResep Sate Padang Asli ini sampai Tuntas,
agar nantinya anda bisa memperaktekanya dengan mudah.Sementara itu Bahan-bahan
untuk memperaktekan artikelResep Cara Membuat Sate Padang Asli ini Tergolong
Cukuplah mudah untuk di dapatkan di Pasar Tradisional yang biasanya tersedia di
Daerah Kita.NahResep Cara Membuat Sate Padang Asli ini juga untuk melengkapi
Resep Kita sebelumnya yang pernah Kami bagikan Kepada teman-teman semua yang
Mana telah di Coba Oleh teman-teman Pembaca setia blog Menu Makan Malam Yakni
Resep Daging Tahu Spesial, Mari yang sudah PenasaranResep Sate Padang Asli
ini,langsung saja kita lihat Bahan dan Cara pembuatan sate Padang ini.
Resep Sate Padang AsliBahan Sate Padang Asli:
1.000 g lidah sapi (saya pakai daging sapi)
air untuk merebus
1 sdt garam
4-5 sdm minyak goreng
2 lembar daun kunyit, robek-robek, ikat simpul
3 batang serai, memarkan
10 lembar daun jeruk
3 cm lengkuas, memarkan
1 sdm bumbu kari bubuk
1 potong asam kandis
50 g tepung beras
2 sdm tepung kanji
300 ml air
bawang goreng untuk taburan
tusuk sate
Bumbu Halus :
12 butir bawang merah
6 siung bawang putih
1 sdm cabai halus/giling (saya pakai 2-3 sdm, biar pedes)
4 cm kunyit
4 cm jahe
11/2 sdt merica
2 sdt garam
Cara Membuat Sate Padang :
Rebus lidah dalam air mendidih, selama 5 menit, angkat. Kupas kulit lidah, kerk
hingga kulit terkelupas bersih. Cuci kemudian rebus dalam air, bubuhkan garam (
60 menit). Setelah lidah empuk, tiriskan, pisahkan kaldunya sebanyak 600 ml.
Potong-potong lidah ukuran 112 cm, sisihkan.
Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan daun kunyit,
serai, daun jeruk, lengkuas, dan bumbu kari, aduk hingga baunya harum, angkat.
masukkan 2/3 bagian tumisan ke dalam kaldu. jerang kembali di atas api, masukkan
asam kandis.
Larutkan tepung beras dan tepung kanji dalam air hingga tercampur. Setelah kaldu
mendidih, perlahan masukkan larutan tepung sambil diaduk terus hingga adonan
licin. Masak hingga mendidih dan meletup-letup serta bau tepungnya hilang,
Campur potongan lidah bersama sisa bumbu tumis, aduk sebentar di atas api hingga
rata, angkat. Tusukkan potongan lidah pada tusuk satai, masing-masing 3-4
Panggang satai di atas bara api hingga baunya harum 3 menit, balik-balikkan,
angkat. Taruh satai, taburi bawang goreng.
Makan selagi panas dengen ketupat.
Nah DemikianResep Sate Padang Asli yang Dapat Kami Berikan Untuk anda, Dan
Hampir saja Terlupa, Resep ini untuk 24 Tusuk Sate, Jadi nantinya anda bisa
mengira-ngira sendiri seberapa banyak yang ingin anda buat, Nah Bagai mana
menurut anda artikelResep Sate Padang Asli ini.? Jika anda Merasa artikel ini
bermanfaat maka jangan Pernah Sungkan dan Ragu untuk membagikan artikel ini
kepada teman-teman anda melalui media sosial Seperti Facebook dan Twitter yang
saat ini sedang Booming sehingga nantinya artikel ini menjadi Bermanfaat untuk
sesama, Akhir kata dari saya Selamat MencobaResep Cara Membuat Sate Padang Asli
ini dan Semoga anda Beruntung ^__^
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Why is printer ink so darn expensive?
If I want to buy ink for my printer I had best be ready to pay an arm and a leg
for a little ink cartridge.
And it isn't because ink is particularly expensive - its because ink cartridge
companies overcharge to ridiculous levels.
At Best Buy I find...
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Best regards,
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN:
- 6 butir kuning telur bebek/10 butir kalau telur ayam
- 11/2 ons mentega
- 1/4 kg gula halus
- 1 kg terigu
- 1/2 kg kentang
- 2 sendok makan fermipan
- 1 gelas susu
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info Resep] OREK KIKIL
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
300 gram kikil yang sudah direbus, potong dadu 2x2 cm
2 papan petai, kupas, belah 2
6 cabai merah dan hijau besar, potong serong
½ ibu jari lengkuas, memarkan
1 batang sereh, memarkan
2 lembar daun salam
3 butir tomat muda, belah 2
5 butir bawang merah, iris
1 sdm kecap manis Bango
1 bungkus Rayco Sapi
½ sdt garam
½ sdm gula merah sisir
3 sdm minyak untuk menumis
5 sdm air
- Tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah hingga layu.
- Lalu tambahkan sereh, lengkuas, daun salam.
- Masukkan cabai, tomat muda dan petai.
- Tambahkan kikil, Rayco, gula, garam, kecap dan air.
- Masak hingga air agak mongering, angkat.OREK KIKIL originally posted by: Hobi
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Semprit Kenari
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]Resep Semprit Kenari.
Semua pasti tahu Kue Semprit kan!?! Kue ini merupakan kue kering klasik yang
tidak pernah ditelan jaman. Kue Kering Semprit merupakan salah satu Kue Kering
yang disukai sepanj...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info Resep] Resep Jukut Nangka
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]Resep Jukut Nangka. Satu
lagi resep dari Pulau Dewata yaitu Resep Jukut Nangka. Rasanya tidak jauh beda
dengan Lodeh Nangka dari Jawa. Jukut nangka merupakan sayur khas Bali, masakan
tradisional ya...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Fifi the Firefly
Product DescriptionFeaturing multiple textures, colors and sounds to keep
your baby captivated and entertained, this plush Lamaze Freddie or Fifi the
Firefly features a peek-a-boo mirror, squeaker, clinking rings, t...
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[Info Resep] Resep Kue Cornflake Kelapa
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]Resep Kue Cornflake
Kelapa. Satu lagi Resep Kue Kering Klasik yang patut Anda coba. Kue ini berasa
manis dan bertekstur renyah. Cornflake yang menjadi bahan utama dalam Kue Kering
ini bisa Anda gan...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Selasa, 25 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Semur Tahu Pedas (Sumatera Utara)
Resep Semur Tahu Pedas (Sumatera Utara). Indonesia terletak di garis
khatulistiwa dan berada di antara rute perdagangan Timur Tengah dan Asia. Sejak
berabad-abad lalu negeri Indonesia sudah kaya akan rempah-rempah. Kekayaan ini
membuat Indonesia dianggap sebagai produsen utama rempah-rempah seperti pala,
cengkeh, dan lada. Maka tidaklah mengherankan bila sejak dahulu para pedagang
asing menegincar wilayah Nusantara.
Kekayaan rempah-rempah tentunya berpengaruh pada kekayaan kuliner Nusantara
hingga terciptalah berbagai macam aneka masakan yang menggiurkan bahkan terkenal
sampai ke manca negara. Bumbu yang khas, sarat akan rempah dan teknik memasak
yang unik merupakan ciri khas masakan Indonesia. Hal inilah yang membuat
Inforesep bangga akan masakan Indonesia, masakan Indonesia yang terkesan
sederhana dibandingkan dengan masakan luar namun cita rasanya tiada bandingan.
Semur merupakan salah satu warisan kuliner yang masih eksis sampai sekarang dan
diterima oleh orang-orang Belanda. Bahkan penamaan semur berasal dari bahasa
Belanda smoor. Tetapi tradisi kuliner semur telah lama menjadi tradisi makanan
di Nusantara. Hidangan Semur Indonesia kemudian diterima dengan baik oleh lidah
Eropa. Bahkan kemudian Semur menjadi menu utama dalam budaya Rijstafel Belanda
(budaya penyajian nasi dan lauk pauk ala kuliner Nusantara di meja makan).
Pada awalnya Semur berkonotasi dengan daging yang diolah, biasanya digunakan
daging sapi. Kemudian berkembang menjadi daging kambing, ayam, telur, bahkan
tahu, tempe dan terong. Maka Semur menjadi suatu keseharian Indonesia.
Nah baru-baru ini Kecap Bango dan Sedap berkolaborasi mengeluarkan Buku Resep
Semur, bagi pecinta kuliner Indonesia buku ini patut dicoba dan dikoleksi.
Harganya juga sangat terjangkau. Buku Resep Bango Cita Rasa Nusatara Koleksi
Resep Semur ini bisa didapatkan diseluruh toko buku Gramedia di seluruh
Nusantara. Karena di Mataram NTB toko buku Gramedia masih dalam proses
pembangunan gedung jadi Inforesep beli bukunya di situs Gramedia langsung,
daripada menyesal belakangan buku habis tidak kebagian. Hehehe
Berikut ini salah satu Resep Semur yaitu Semur Tahu Pedas yang berasal dari
daerah Sumatera Utara. Yuk dicoba Resep Semur Tahu Pedas dibawah ini, silahkan
dicoba step by step membuat Semur Tahu Pedas!!!!
Resep Bahan Semur Tahu Pedas :
2 buah (450 gram) tahu putih ukuran sedang, dipotong kotak atau sesuai selera
6 butir bawang merah, iris tipis
2 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
2 lembar daun salam
2 cm lengkuas dimemarkan
3 buah cabai merah besar diiris serong
6 buah cabai rawit merah diiris tipis
7 sendok makan Kecap Manis Bango
1/4 sendok teh garam
1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
1/2 sendok teh pala bubuk
300 ml air
2 sendok makan minyak goreng untuk menumis
Cara Membuat Semur Tahu Pedas :
Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, daun salam dan lengkuas sampai harum.
Masukkan cabai merah dan cabai rawit. Aduk rata. Masak sampai setangah layu.
Tambahkan tahu, aduk rata.
Masukkan Kecap Manis Bango, garam, merica dan pala bubuk. Aduk rata.
Tuang air. Masak sampai matang, meresap dan kuah kental.
Selamat Mencoba Semur Tahu Pedas
Note :Dalam Resep Semur Tahu Pedas ini Inforesep menggunakan tahu goreng
berkulit. Jika Anda lebih suka tahu berkulit, Anda bisa menggoreng tahu terlebih
dahulu sampai berkulit.
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Happy Birthday to me!
Its been awhile since I've gotten some really cool stuff for my birthday. I
guess when you're getting closer and closer to 40 you just can't expect to get
toys anymore on your special day.
This year however things were different. Not only did I...
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Best regards,
[Info Resep] Resep Kue Magdalena
Resep Kue Magdalena. Ketika sedang berjalan-jalan mencuci mata mengusir penat di
hari libur yang cerah, Inforesep menyempatkan diri mengunjungi toko buku. Tidak
tahan rasanya jika tidak mengunjungi toko buku dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan.
Seakan-akan buku-buku tersebut berteriak minta dibeli. Kali ini Inforesep
mendapat buku yang menarik yaitu Terampil Membuat Kue Kering oleh Yasa Boga.
Pada saat itu terdapat 2 macam Buku Terampil Membuat Kue Kering yang ternyata
dicetak pada tahun yang berbeda dengan desain sampul yang berbeda dan hargapun
berbeda. Tentunya sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang harus berhemat, belinya yang
paling murah donk!!! Tidak masalah cetakan tahun berapa atau menarik tidaknya
desain sampul, jika isinya sama buat apa beli yang lebih mahal kalau ada yang
lebih murah. Hihihihi.
Ketika membaca bukuTerampil Membuat Kue Kering dengan senangnya sambil menyantap
camilan dan menyeruput teh hangat, sampailah pada halaman Resep Kue Magdalena.
Kue ini adalah kue kenangan di masa kecil. Sampai saat ini Inforesep baru tahu
jika kue ini bernama Kue Magdalena, dulunya sewaktu masih kanak-kanak Ibu
menamakan kue ini Kue Kenari. Di setiap hari raya Nyepi, Ibu selalu membuat Kue
Kenari, Inforesep dan adik selalu berlomba-lomba mengiris kenari paling banyak.
Kue ini sangat sederhana dalam segi bahan dan bentuk tetapi memiliki rasa yang
khas. Ketika menyantap Kue Magdalena ini lagi selalu mengingatkan Inforesep akan
kenangan masa lalu, kenangan berkumpul dan besenang-senang bersama keluarga.
Sungguh sangat menyenangkan!!!!
Kue Magdalena sangat praktis dan bahan baku mudah di dapat. Yuk bernostalgia
dengan Kue MagdalenaBerikut langkah-langkah pembuatan Kue Magdalena.
Resep Bahan Kue Magdalena :
75 gr mentega tawar atau margarin
100 gr gula kastor
1 butir telur
150 gr tepung terigu
1 butir kuning telur untuk mengoles
2 sendok makan gula pasir untuk taburan
2 sendok makan kenari iris untuk taburan
Cara Membuat Kue Magdalena :
Kocok gula dan mentega sampai lembut, masukkan telur, kocok rata. Masukkan
tepung, aduk rata dengan sendok kayu. Simpan dalam lemari es kurang lebih 10
menit bila adonan terlalu lembek.
Pasang oven 150C. Tipiskan adonan diantara 2 lembar plastik menjadi 4 mm.
Langsung pindahkan pada loyang yang sudah dioleh margarin. Oles permukaan kue
dengan kuning telur, taburkan gula pasir dan kenari.
Panggang kurang lebih 10 menit sampat mendekati matang, keluarkan. Gurat dengan
pisau tajam sampai terputus 36 cm.
Masukkan kembali ke oven, panggang kurang lebih 5-10 menit sampai matang.
Lepaskan kue pelan-pelan dan satu per satu, dinginkan.
Selamat mencoba Resep Kue Magdalena
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
Minyak goreng FILMA
250 gr dada ayam
250 gr udang cincang
30 gr daun ketumbar cincang
½ sdt garam
½ sdt merica
1 btr telur
8 Ibr roti tawar
3 sdm tepung maizena
2 siung bawang putih cincang
5 sdm FILMA
3 sdm sambal manis pedas
2 sdm air panas
1/2 sdm garam
1 sdt gula pasir
daun peterseli untuk hiasan
1. Campurkan semua bahan, ayam, udang, daun ketumbar dan bawang putih cincang,
bumbui dengan garam dan merica.
2. Tambahkan telur, uleni sampai tercampur rata, !ale tambahkan tepung maizena,
uleni lagi sampai menjadi adonan yang dapat dibuat bola-bola .
3. Potong roti tawar menjadi kotak-kotak kecil, (ale gulungkan adonan di atas
roti tawar sampai semua tertutup oleh roti tawar, sisihkan.
4. Panaskan minyak goreng dan FILMA Margarin, goreng bola-bola ayam dan udang
sampai matang dan berwarna kuning keemasan, angkat dan sisihkan.
Tuangkan sambal dan campurkan dengan air di dalam panci anti lengket, panaskan
hingga mendidih, angkat. Kemudian sisihkan agar tidak terlalu panas, campurkan
FILMA Margarin, aduk dengan pengaduk kawat hingga merata dan tidak mencair,
kemudian bumbui dengan garam dan gula.
Cara Penyajian :
1. Letakkan bola udang di atas piring. susun 5 buah, sajikan dengan saus secara
2. Hias dengan daun peterseli.BOLU UDANG GULUNG DENGAN ROTI TAWAR originally
posted by: Hobi Masak
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Senin, 24 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Kue Kering Semprong
Resep Kue Kering Semprong - Postingan kali ini adalah informasi mengenaiResep
Kue Semprong Yang enak dan layak anda coba, Seperti Yang kita Ketahui Semprong
adalah salah satu Kue kering yang banyak di Minati Oleh Masyarakat Indonesia,
Namun seiri...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS - Full Gameplay Demo Walkthrough Video (E3 2013)
Walkthrough Video (E3 2013)'
New BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS full gameplay demo walkthrough in HD with live
coverage on PlayStation E3 2013 stage and interview with Batman: Arkham Origins
creative director Eric Holmes.
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Best regards,
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
300 gram daging ikan tengiri, haluskan
1 senok teh jahe, cincang halus
1 sendok teh garam
1 sendok teh gula pasir
¼ sendok teh merica bubuk
l Sendok makan minyak goreng
1 butir putih telur
11/2 sendok makan tepung sagu
Minyak untuk menggoreng
1. Campur semua bahan, bentuk menjadi bulat-bulatan sebesar bakso.
2. Goreng hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kekemasan. Angkat.BOLA-BOLA IKAN
originally posted by: Hobi Masak
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]
300 gr FILMA Margarin 12 btr kuning telur ayam
200 gr gula halus 1/2 sdt vanili
200 gr tepung terigu 2 bks agar-agar bubuk
250 gr daging buah durian 1 kaleng susu kental manis
2 btr kelapa muda, keruk, iris halus
350 ml air dagingnya, tiriskan
1 Masak agar-agar bersama air hingga mendidih. Angkat dan
campurkan dengan durian. Haluskan menggunakan blender.
2 Kocok FILMA. Margarin dan gula hingga putih. Masukkan susu kental manis
dan kuning telur bergantian sambil terus dikocok perlahan hingga tercampur rata.
Tambahkan vanili.
3 Campurkan terigu bersama kelapa muda. Tambahkan FILMA Margarin kocok sambil
diaduk perlahan. Tuangkan rebusan agar-agar
secara bertahap dan aduk kembali hingga rata.
4 Siapkan cetakan 22x22x6cm yang telah diolesi FILMA Margarin dialasi kertas.
Tuangkan 200 g adonan dan ratakan.
Taburi almond, kenari/keju bila suka.
5. Panggang selama 7 menit menggunakan api atas hingga matang permukaannya
kecokelatan.Tekan perlahan dengan punggung
sendok yang sudah diolesi FILMA Margarin cair. Tuangkan kembali adonan yang
6. Panggang hingga matang. Kerjakan hal yang sama secara bergantian.Terakhir
panggang 15 menit dengan api bawah bila adonan telah
habis. Dinginkan. Potong-potong. Sajikan.Hasil: 30 potong (1 loyang)LAPIS DURIAN
KELAPA originally posted by: Hobi Masak
(HobiMasak note: Sudahkah anda mencoba gudeg kaleng? Gudeg yang dikemas dalam
kaleng agar tahan lebih lama, praktis dan cocok untuk yang rindu akan Gudeg Asli
Jogja. Pesan sekarang!.)
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Minggu, 23 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] CROISSANT
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN:
750 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
250 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
15 gram ragi instan
15 gram garam
80 gram gula
2 gram bread improver
480 gram air es
50 gram margarin
500 gram kor...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Fifi the Firefly
Product DescriptionFeaturing multiple textures, colors and sounds to keep
your baby captivated and entertained, this plush Lamaze Freddie or Fifi the
Firefly features a peek-a-boo mirror, squeaker, clinking rings, t...
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Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013
Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Masakan Cakalang Sagu Jailolo
Resep Masakan Cakalang Sagu Jailolo
Ikan Cakaloh Diiris
Jeruk Nipis
Garam, Merica
1 sdm Bawang Putih Giling
1/2Siung Bawang Bombay
Daun Seledri
1 Mangkuk Saus Tomat
1 sdt Bubuk Kayu Manis
3 sdm Kecap Manis
3 sdm Gula Aren
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Best regards,
Info Resep
RESEP CUMI GORENG ROYCO PAPRIKABAHAN :500 gr cumi, kupas kulit, potong-potong2
siung bawang putih, haluskan1 buah jeruk nipis, peras airnya2 sdt Royco
EbiMinyak goreng secukupnya1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris tipis2 siung bawang
putih, cincang halus1/2 b...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Review: MOTUC Spirit of Hordak
Ah, the infamous Spirit of Hordak, born engulfed in controversy. But having
already had a rant about the circumstances under which he was sold, I'll put
that aside for this review. I'll also put aside the amount I had to bleedin' pay
to Royal Mail in c...
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Best regards,
RESEP UDANG MASAK PAPRIKABAHAN :300 gr udang pancet ukuran besar1 sdm
margarin1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang kasar3 siung bawang putih, iris tipis20
butir telur puyuh, rebus, kupas kulitnya1/2 buah paprika hijau, iris tipis1/2
buah paprika kuning, iri...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
RESEP CUMI KERAT SIRAM SAUS. Resep ini adalah kumpulan aneka resep praktis ala
Royco yang banyak diminati oleh kaum wanita dan ibu-ibu mudah karena alasan
kepraktisannya.BAHAN :1 kg Cumi besarMinyak Goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng1
sdm margarin5 siu...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
Jumat, 21 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] Nasi Bakar Cakalang
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]1. Tumis bawang merah,
bawang putih, dan cabai rawit yang sudah diiris.
2. Masukkan nasi putih dan cakalang suwir.
3. Tambahkan gula dan garam sesuai selera.
4. Aduk sampai rata, tambahkan susu, ad...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Info Resep] Havermouth Poppies
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]1. Kocok Palmboom, gula
halus, garam, kuning telur dan baking powder sampai tercampur rata.
2. Masukkan havermouth, susu bubuk dan terigu lalu aduk merata.
3. Bentuk adonan bulatan kecil kecil lalu...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Jugo Juice Xtreme Protein Shake
Tried Jugo Juice's Xtreme Protein shake today. Tastes good. But does it actually
contain 47 grams of protein? Good question.
After drinking it to the bottom I can only guess that, yes, it did contain a
fair amount of protein. Tasted good to the last d...
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[Info Resep] Mangkuk Ubi Isi Sayur
[fivefilters.org: unable to retrieve full-text content]1. Masukkan ubi yang
sudah dilumatkan dan tepung terigu dalam sebuah wadah.
2. Aduk dengan sendok hingga rata. Lalu masukkan telur ayam, margarin, susu
kental manis, garam, bawang, merica dan kaldu...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Commercial Officer Job Vacancy at Ntungamo District in Uganda
Ntungamo District in Uganda'
Job Title: Senior Commercial Officer Ntungamo District Service Commission is
inviting suitable applicants to fill the above vacant post.Job Purpose To
oversee and guide the commercial , industrial and coorperatives activities in
the sub-sector for improved household income in local GovernmentsQualifications
An Honors Bachelors Degree in Commerce , Economics , Coorperatives, Business
Administration /Studies , Entrepreneurship, Finance and Accounting from a
recognized university and a minimum of a post graduate Diploma in any of the
above fields .Experience Three years of working experience at the level of
Commercial Officer in Government or equivalent level of experience from a
reputable organization and wide exposure to the private sector , operation and
its investment.
How to applyApplications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service
Commission Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary-Ntungamo District Service
Commission to be received not later than the deadline.The application forms are
obtainable free of Charge from Secretaries of District Service Commission,
Offices of Chief Administrative Officers , Town Clerks for Municipal Councils ,
Public Service Commission and be submitted to the Secretary , District Service
Commission P. O. Box 1 Ntungamo stating clearly the post applied for and its
reference number .Serving officers must route their applications through their
heads of department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.
Photocopies of academic certificates , transcripts , pass-slips , Registration
certificates and annual practicing licenses where applicable and any other
supporting documents with 3 passport size photographs must be attached on the
application forms .Those that will be invited for interviews must come with all
original academic & Professional documents , identity cards from institutions
/Schools attended .
Deadline: 20 /05 /2013
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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
[Info Resep] Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Babat
Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Babat -Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Babat merupakan salah
satu maskan yang terkenal dan hampir setiap Masyarakat Indoensia mengenal
Ataupun mencicipi Masakan Nasi Goreng, Nah salah satu Nasi Goreng Yang enak
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Standard Bank South Africa Vacancies: Risk
Job Description
Division Proposition Risk is becoming an increasingly important element in
our banking businesses and our risk teams play a key role in every decision we
make to service our clients across all our product lines.
Job Description Youll start this two-year programme by joining one of three
streams Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Credit Risk, Personal and
Buisness Banking: Personal (PPB) Credit or Business Credit or Operational Risk,
to ensure youre on the most appropriate development path for your career with
us. Through a series of rotations youll glean close-up and comprehensive
experience of our work and impact, ensuring your specialism soon matures into
expertise. CIB: Credit risk With the banking industry shifting to an economic
capital business philosophy and the evolution of sophisticated derivative
markets, risk management has become enormously complex and increasingly
professional. Credit risk management is crucial in understanding the nature and
quality of our counterparties as well as their concentrations in terms of
industry and country. We partner the business to understand credit risk so we
can apply appropriate pricing to optimise the banks risk-adjusted return. This
involves understanding and assessing a range of risk areas including credit,
financial, economic, legal, political, regulatory, environmental and
reputational risks. Join us and youll enjoy direct, dynamic and stimulating
exposure to all the key businesses and transactions at the heart of CIBs
expertise. Your rotations will span across Market Risk, Corporate credit,
Operational Risk, Real Estate Services and Financial Institutions. PBB: Personal
Credit Personal Credit is that part SBSA PBB Credit that specifically focuses on
the credit strategy and decisioning for all personal banking products such as
Home Loans, Vehicle Finance and Unsecured Lending products such as Cheque
Accounts with limits, Revolving Credit Plans and Credit Cards to name a few.
Personal Credit is characterized by three main activities within the credit life
cycle, with these being originations, account management and collections.
Originations relates to the credit decision and can be done either through a
scored process with the assistance of a scorecard or an intuitive process.
Account management relates to the ongoing monitoring of each product portfolios
accounts within the agreed credit terms whether that be the credit limits, risk
appetite or term. Collections activities involve either the rehabilitation of
customers or the final recovery of amounts outstanding to the Bank. Through a
series of structured rotations you will get exposure to each of these areas.
PBB: Business Credit Business Credit supports Business Banking with the
management of the Credit Risk function / decision-making of all business risk
groups to adequately balance Risk and Reward. The relationship with Personal and
Business Bank is one of a partnership with an alignment of objectives to ensure
a customer centric approach in decision making and service. The following are
various areas within Business Credit: Strategy & Reporting, Small Enterprises &
Empowerment Finance, Decentralised Lending and Private clients.
PBB: Operational Risk In order for banks to make a profit, they have to grapple
with a wide array of risks which if unmanaged can impact the success of their
operations, impair bottomline, reputation and threaten long term survivability.
One of the risk types which banks are faced with on a daily basis emanate from
its operational portfolio i.e. from the execution of the daily processes
involved in attracting, servicing and maintaining customers. The risks which
emanate from the operational portfolio of banking processes and activities are
managed under the ambit of the Operational Risk Management function. Operational
risk relates to the risk of a loss resulting from inadequacies or failures in
processes due to technology, personnel, organization or external factors. In
addition to identifying and analyzing risks which result in losses, a key
deliverable of Operational Risk is ensuring the quality and effectiveness of
controls built into processes to prevent financial or reputational losses.
Operational Risk Managers ensure that the control environment is fit for purpose
and is rigorously governed in line with the requirements of the banks
Operational Risk Policy and Framework. Within Standard Bank, the Operational
Risk function is a second line of defence capability performed by specialist
Operational Risk practitioners whose mandate is to embed the Groups ORM policy
and framework in partnership with colleagues in business, who are responsible
for executing the day to day processes which bring in the money. Operational
Risk managers ensure that we do not lose the money we intend to make through any
errors or omissions and/ or unmitigated systems or process failures.Required
Skills and Qualifications To join this programme, youll need to be a South
African citizen in the final year of your Bachelors degree or postgraduate
degree with finance, statistics, financial management as a major. As well as
educational qualifications, well be looking for you to show us an analytical
approach, an eye for detail and the adaptability to work in multi-skilled teams.
Naturally, youll need to be a good communicator, with the character to remain
rational and objective while working under pressure. You must have no more than
a years work experience Required Competencies We are an equal opportunities
employer and are totally opposed to discrimination in any form. It is our policy
to provide equal employment opportunities for all employees regardless of race,
sex, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital
/ partnership status, religion, age or disability. How to apply: Click on this
link to apply online
Comment on this job
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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
Kamis, 20 Juni 2013
[Info Resep] DONAT (Versi I)
1 kg terigu protein tinggi
11 gram ragi instan (satu sachet)
5 gram bread improver
5 gram baking powder
100 gram gula pasir
30 gram susu bubuk
2 butir kuning telur
100 ml susu evaporated
300 ml air es
15 gram garam
100 gram margarin
Minyak gor...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Kayhelt Pharmaceuticals recruitment for Sales Representatives and Area Sales Managers in Nigeria
for Sales Representatives and Area Sales Managers in Nigeria'
Kayhelt Pharma is a fast growing pharmaceutical company based in
Nigeria. Kayhelt pharma has shown tremendous growth over a very short
time. It has interest in pharmaceuticals, surgicals and consumables.
Kayhelt pharma was born out of the desire to get the right product, at
the right quality, at affordable price tothe end users. To build a
remarkable field force team that will not compromise the ethics of
pharmaceutical marketing in Nigeria. Pharmaceutical Vacancies in Nigeria
In our quest for expansion, we require the services of professionals to fill the
under-listed position:
Job Position: Area Sales ManagersLocation: West, South and EastQualifications
and Skills
Minimum of 3 years' successful experience in pharmaceutical sales with track
record of exceeding targets.
Outstanding communication skill and presences,
excellent presentation skills.
Have high energy, entrepreneurial spirit to sell, train, manage and lead a sales
team to exceed set targets.
Job Position: Sales RepresentativesLocation: Lagos, Ibadan, Benin, Anambra,
Enugu, Owerri, Kano and SokotoQualifications and Skills
Minimum of first degree in pharmacy or other related courses.
Must be sales driven.
Experience in pharmaceutical sales is an advantage.
Must be a team player, resourceful with a warm and encouraging personality.
Application Deadline 6th May, 2013
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their applications and CV's
to: hr@Kayheltpharma.com
Candidates should specify in their application and CV, stating their preferred
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
- Coklat blok 50 gram
- Butter 100 gram, cairkanBAHAN B, dikocok sampai mengental kurang lebih 5
- Telur ayam 5 butir
- Gula pasir 150 gram
- TBM 1 sendok teh peresBAHAN C:
- Tepung terigu segitiga 100 gram
- Maizen...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Personnel Officer Job Vacancy at Ntungamo District in Uganda
Ntungamo District in Uganda'
Job Title: Personnel Officer Ntungamo District Service Commission is inviting
suitable applicants to fill the above vacant post.Job Purpose To participate in
Human Resource Management in a Local Government .Responsibilities An Honors
Bachelors Degree in Social Work and Social Administration (SWASA) or Human
Resources Management or Social Sciences or Management science or Business
Administration from a recognized University.Experience No work experience in
the HRM field is required , but may count as an added advantage .
How to applyApplications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service
Commission Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary-Ntungamo District Service
Commission to be received not later than the deadline.The application forms are
obtainable free of Charge from Secretaries of District Service Commission,
Offices of Chief Administrative Officers , Town Clerks for Municipal Councils ,
Public Service Commission and be submitted to the Secretary , District Service
Commission P. O. Box 1 Ntungamo stating clearly the post applied for and its
reference number .Serving officers must route their applications through their
heads of department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.
Photocopies of academic certificates , transcripts , pass-slips , Registration
certificates and annual practicing licenses where applicable and any other
supporting documents with 3 passport size photographs must be attached on the
application forms .Those that will be invited for interviews must come with all
original academic & Professional documents , identity cards from institutions
/Schools attended .
Deadline: 20 /05 /2013
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
[Toy] Liking my Comics: Legends Wolverine
After having so much enjoyment come out of the wonderful world of Archangel, I
jumped onto Amazon.com and sought out the other figures I wanted from the line.
It turns out I got a few extra as well that I didnt know I wanted Funny how that
works Long story short, I have Wolverine from the Hit Monkey series, that is
also the same series that Archangel comes from. Oh and the good news? Online he
wasnt $30. Huzzah!This is Wolverine in his X-Force duds. Or so google tells me.
I first came across this costume as a costume in the rather fun Wolverine
Origins game that I bought for my PS3 many many moons ago. It was an unlockable
skin to take the place of the Jackman you usually have to play with. I must
admit that I quite like it. I thought my favourite Wolvey costume would be his
blue and yellow duds, but nope. This would be it here.
Despite it being part of the Hit Monkey series, there arent any actual Hit
Monkey parts included. Neither did Archangel have any. Odd, especially since
Wolverine doesnt come with any accessories. Odd but clever if you think about
it. People will buy Archangel and Wolverine regardless of whether they are
getting Hit Monkey or not. People will not buy, um, random-obscure-muscle-guy as
no-one knows who he is. I dont carer for Hit Monkey, so I am not fussed either
way.The packets has some nice artwork, with Wolveys face on the top and a whole
scene on the back. Interestingly, they have the same artwork for both sides, but
his left claw is angled down on the front and up on the back. Man, I want a
giant Sentinel figure now.
Oooh, look! there is the picture of Archangel that started all this Marvel toy
bizzo off. It still has the classic font and ink dots on the name, hes plastered
in his typical Wolverine look with claws out and ready to scratch. Mine has a
slightly wonky middle claw on one of his hand that I am attempting to
correct.The back has a larger version of the artwork with that sentinel on it.
I was surprised to see that Wolverine here doesn't have the multi-lingual bio
that Archangel had. Curious.
And there he is. What a nice looking toy I immediately thought. It too smelt
like crayons. The colours are nice and work together well. Annoyingly Wolvey has
slightly wonky knees, just like Archangel did too. There is a nice blackwash
that highlights the musculature and its over the important parts. The
silver/grey is a nice slightly shiny paint and really looks very nice indeed.
The moment I pulled this guy out of his case, it felt like a solid figure and I
had a good feeling about it.
The articulation is very good. Better than I expected to be honest. Double
jointed knees and elbows, bicep and thigh swivels, wrist swivels and hinges,
hinged shoulders with a swivel in there too, a diaphragm joint and waits swivel
as well. Due to the clean head sculpt he has a great range of movement in his
I was really surprised to see that his shoulders are connected to another point
of articulation that allows him to move his shoulders forwards and back as well.
I was taken aback when I discovered this, its an extra joint that is super handy
and I was chuffed to see it! Balance is fantastic, his ankles although very
adaptable are hindered by the boot belts, which is a shame as they dont bend up
Oh man, that is soooo nice.Out of the pack and I noticed that the ears on his
mask had been pushed quite close to his head. I know X-Force costume has smaller
ears than his normal one, but they still stick out a bit. Luckily they are soft
plastic and can be bent forwards. I think a bit of hair dryer action on them
will help them stay in place permanently.
I really like the sculpting on this dude. He has buckles on his forearm guards
and boots. Muscles, nice clean belt buckle and belt are also included. It almost
looks like he has steel capped boots on too! WOW! Paint details are pretty good
and I am pleased to say that
His face sculpt is lovely and stern. Check out that big jaw and slightly grumpy
face! I also dig the red eyes.
Mine seems to have a little bit of battle damage to the right side of his face.
That kind of OK with me though, adds a bit of character. The creases in his mask
are another nice touch, the frown is needed for his face.Now, lets have a look
at the real winners of this guy. His claws.
They are just beautiful. The right length to look good, with the middle one
being a tad longer, they appear to sit flush with the back of his hand, despite
being extra pieces. The plastic used is a good colour. They are magnificent.
After checking out some other peoples reviews, it has general consensus of being
the best Wolverine claws in a toy yet. I havent had any other Wolverines so I
cant say either way, but I will say I love these claws. Apparently you can take
them off as well, I havent tried yet but will later on. So you can have him
flick Cyclops the bird-claw, threaten people with the
face-frame-middle-claw-sheathed, or have him pop some brews with one. Or take
them all off for relaxing Wolvey. Brilliant.The wrist joints are incredibly
handy as well with a good range of spinning and bending motion.
So what we end up with on old Wolverine here is one damn fine action figure.
Sure, he might smell like crayons when you first get him out of the box, but
hey, who cares? This thing is incredible! Not only is it a good Legends figure,
its probably one of the better figures in this size range I have seen. Great
posing options, beautiful paints and colours and those incredible claws!
My only actual gripes about this toy is his hip joints (they are a bit
counter-intuitive), but I think that is to do with the design, as opposed to
just this figure and his size as Archangel had me thinking the same thing and I
think I know what it is. I just want to confirm it with another figure and his
height as he seems to be as tall as Archangel, where I am pretty certain in the
comic he is a bit of a short-arse. (He does scale well with some more colossal
characters I have recently acquired though) Oh and that blu tack there is meant
to straighten out my wonky claw. (It didnt work by the way). But aside from the
hip joints, which still have a great range of movement, this is a brilliant toy.
Get one, you wont be disappointed.
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Best regards,
150 g ayam fillet
1 butir telur
50 g tepung terigu
100 g tepung roti
Lada secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Minyak sayur secukupnyaCARA MEMBUAT CHICKEN KATSU:
1. Pipihkan ayam fillet, lumuri dengan lada dan garam hingga merata.
2. Pada masing-...
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Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Senior Assistant Secretary Job at Ntungamo District in Uganda
Ntungamo District in Uganda'
Job Title: Sub County Chief (Senior Assistant Secretary)
Ntungamo District Service Commission is inviting suitable applicants to fill the
above vacant post.Responsibilities Community Development Officer , Agricultural
Officer , Veterinary Officer , Fisheries Officer , Parish Chief, Senior Accounts
Assistant , Head Teachers of the Primary Schools .Job Purpose To manage and
coordinate the implementation of policies , programs , projects and laws of
Government and Local Council 111 for the general welfare and development of the
population .Qualifications An Honors Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences ,
Development Studies , Social Work and Social Administration or Arts or Business
Administration /Business Studies (Management option) or Bachelor of Management
Sciences , from a recognized University . A certificate in Administrative
Officers Law from a recognized institution .Experience At least three years of
experience as an administrative officer in a public or reputable organization.
How to applyApplications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service
Commission Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary-Ntungamo District Service
Commission to be received not later than the deadline.The application forms are
obtainable free of Charge from Secretaries of District Service Commission,
Offices of Chief Administrative Officers , Town Clerks for Municipal Councils ,
Public Service Commission and be submitted to the Secretary , District Service
Commission P. O. Box 1 Ntungamo stating clearly the post applied for and its
reference number .Serving officers must route their applications through their
heads of department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.
Photocopies of academic certificates , transcripts , pass-slips , Registration
certificates and annual practicing licenses where applicable and any other
supporting documents with 3 passport size photographs must be attached on the
application forms .Those that will be invited for interviews must come with all
original academic & Professional documents , identity cards from institutions
/Schools attended .
Deadline: 20 /05 /2013
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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
[Info Resep] Resep Kue Lebaran Terbaru
Resep Kue Lebaran Terbaru - Sudah lumrah Jika Hari raya Idul Fitiri dantang
menjelang kita semua akan di sibukan dengan berbagai macam kegiatan, terutama
Untuk para Ibu Rumah tangga tentunya akan banyak sekali Kesibukan yang harus di
Siapkan, dianta...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Internet Service Provider (ISP) Vacancy for an Account Clerk in Lagos
Vacancy for an Account Clerk in Lagos'
Spectrum Network Limited is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) operator
having licenses to operate in Nigeria in the area of INTERNET
with un-parallel value added services in t...
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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
[US Jobs Vacancies] Internet Service Provider (ISP) Vacancy for an Account Clerk in Lagos
Vacancy for an Account Clerk in Lagos'
Spectrum Network Limited is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) operator
having licenses to operate in Nigeria in the area of INTERNET
with un-parallel value added services in t...
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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
Rabu, 19 Juni 2013
150 gram coklat blok
100 gram butterBAHAN B:
5 butir telur
150 gram gula pasir
1 sendok teh peres TBM/SPBAHAN C (AYAK ):
00 gram tepung terigu
30 gram maizena
40 gram coklat bubuk
40 gram susu bubukBAHAN D:
100 cc minyak gorengBAHAN E (BLENDE...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[US Jobs Vacancies] Trees for Life are recruiting for a Head of Operations
Head of Operations'
for Life
Head of Operations
Salary 35,000 to 40,000
Trees for Life, an award winning conservation charity in the Scottish
Highlands, are looking for an experienced Head of Operations to steer
and grow the charity in the coming years. This role is pivotal to the
expansion of the charity to meet its ambitious target of extending the
Caledonian Forest by one million more trees in 5 years. The Head of
Operations will work with the Executive Director to manage the delivery
of ambitious land projects in the Scottish Highlands to restore the
Caledonian Forest.
They will have experience of project management, financial management
and strategic development as well as the ability to effectively manage a
team of staff to deliver against targets for growth. They will have a
background in Conservation and Management. This is an exciting full time
post and offers the post holder a chance to be responsible for the
delivery of an extensive woodland conservation project in the Highlands.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon Friday 10th May with
interviews to be held the following week.
To request an application pack please call 0845 458 3505, email
info@treesforlife.org.uk or download an application pack from
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies
[Info Resep] IKAN KEJU
500 gram daging ikan tengiri yang sudah dihaluskan
1 sendok makan ketumbar
8 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
1 gelas santan kental dari 1/2 butir kelapa
2 butir telur, kocok sebentar
1 batang daun bawang, iris kasar
5 sendok makan tepun...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] The Original Shnoozles from Sun Moon Enterprises Kids Nighttime Product Review
Kids Nighttime Product Review'
The Original Shnoozles are the perfect day/night plush for children. Shu-Shu and
Shah-Shah are soft and cuddly Shnoozle critters who make play time and sleep
time fun for kids of all ages. Shnoozles have a patented, unique eye feature
that enables the only plush in the world to allow their eyes to be closed!
Wellit doesnt get much easier than playing with a Shnoozle! With eyes open, kids
can happily play with their favorite new little buddy. Then when it is time to
nap or sleep, or to put their Shnoozle to sleep, your children simply pull out
the Shnoozles eyelids for a sleepy-time look! Easy!
After lots of play, and lots of naps, and lots of sleeps we found no breakdown
in our Shnoozle. Obviously, if you have a child that is a bit rougher on their
stuffed animals, you may need to spot clean, otherwise no durability concerns.
The Original Shnoozles are cute with a pink design and a light brown design to
appeal to both boys and girls. With that said, our kids are a tough group to
please and this wasnt the first stuffed animal/plush they pulled off the shelf.
As far as a plush toy goes, Shnoozles have pretty good functionality. Their
eyelids tuck up or come down to illustrate awake time of sleep time. Shnoozles
dont sing or dance (not that they should!), but it is hard to award too many
stars for Functionality to a plush toy.
This was the tough one for our team. Lots of parents grow tired of stuffed
animals and plush toys piling up around the house. We tend to see that most kids
receive their plush toys as gifts and while the $25 price tag isnt unreasonable
for a gift it is a bit on the high side. Many of our parents felt that is they
were going to spend $25 on a gift, they wanted to deliver more than a plush. At
the same time, many felt that is this was around $15 they would be much more
comfortable buying for their children or their friends children.
Sure plush toys have been around forever, but we really like the all-original
spin that the Shnoozle people have come up with to illustrate awake time and
sleep time. Nice angle to help teach kids for sure!
The Original Shnoozles are easy to use, cute, and actually teach a nice lesson.
They are a bit on the expensive side, but dont misunderstand us, we tend to say
that often these days! All in all we like the Shnoozles and if you dont mind
the price tag, your children will like waking up and putting their Shnoozle to
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Best regards,
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